7. Alternative Protocols

Since implementing CoinPool properly requires substantial efforts, it should be compared to other Bitcoin scalability solutions.

Sidechains assume moving activities to a parallel blockchain anchored to Bitcoin, either via a multi-sig federated wallet, a cross-chain smart contract, or sophisticated incentive mechanisms.

Chaumian Banks assume a timestamping server authorizing asset transfers (possibly blinded). The idea is currently being revisited by the Bitcoin community within Fedimint

Digital Cash enables oblivious payments across participants, where the state does not have to be monitored. The idea is currently being revisited by the Bitcoin community within PathCoin

Statechains allow transfering UTXOs off-chain, and doublespending is prevented by a trusted server.

Proof-of-UTXOs suggested using UTXO ownership to bootstrap other systems.

Establishing a quantitive framework for ranking these solutions (mempool utilization, velocity of funds, fault tolerance, etc.) could help making an informed decision for picking a research direction.


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